Film review, criticism, and ranting

Adverb the Noun. Without adverbs, life is boring and nondescript. That thought is what brought me to bring my film criticism to the masses (or, let’s be honest, the three or four of you who may actually read this drivel at some point in your life). Without films – specifically, films with a purpose besides those of the $$$ variety – life wouldn’t have as much meaning and we wouldn’t be as aware of who we are. Great films teach us something about ourselves and allow us to reach the depths of our soul to engage in meaningful self-dialogue. In a way, we are the nouns and films are the adverbs. They change our meaning and augment us to become newer, better, shinier, or just more thoughtful and aware.

So what’s the point? Some adverbs suck and some are unknown. I’m here to show you both. Enjoy.

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